

Wales is the last country I am going to visit in this UK backpacking trip, because I am out of cash. I really wanted to visit Northern Ireland too, but I am going to do it next year.

Day 1.
Today I arrived in Cardiff with a plane from Glasgow. It was still early in the morning. The first thing I did was to eat breakfast on a café. I asked a man in the café about some nice tourist attraction here in Cardiff. He recommended Cardiff Castle, National Cardiff museum and he told me that there was a concert tomorrow in St David's hall with Duffy.

He told me lots of facts about Wales too. Wales has around 3 million inhabitants, and most of Wales is surrounded by mountains and sea. He said that the sea is full of Dolphin, Sharks, Turtles and many other animals. It rains often, and most of the rain comes in autumn or early winter. Sometimes it is snow too. The last native king in Wales was Onain Glydwr. Welsh is the first language in Wales. I told him that I didn't knew that Wales and England has different language. Then he said some Welsh words. He said something like: Bore da, fy enw i yw James. I didn't understood anything. At the 19th century they meant that Welsh was a ugly language, and the only right was English. The national day is St David's day. This day is on 1. March. Wales doesn't have their own flag as a part of the UK flag like the other countries in the UK. Then it would look something like this:
The official animal is a dragon and they use pound's as money. The national dish is Leek broth. A famous author from Wales is Roald Dahl. Dahl had Norwegian parents, but was born in Wales. When he was living, he wrote children books. The current prince of Wales is Prince Charles (the eldest son of Elizabeth 2nd)

When I had heard enough I walked out on the street and found a taxi that could drive me to Cardiff Castle. Cardiff Castle is a fortress built in the middle ages. It has a marvelous Clock Tower.

Next stop National Cardiff museum. The museum has a exhibition of art, geology, natural history and archeology. There were dinosaur's skeleton's and plant's there. Rare types of stone and much more. It was fun.
After that I found a hotel to sleep in.

Day 2.
Today it was raining outside. What a pity. I am going to travel back to Norway tomorrow. I don't want to leave. I enjoyed backpacking here in the UK, but, this is what I’ve done today: First I just took a walk outside in the park. I got wet, but it was still a few hours before the Duffy concert began, so I had time to take a shower and change to some dry clothes. Then I took a taxi to St David's hall. I was glad to get out of the taxi, because the driver was so grumpy. The first song Duffy played was “Mercy”. I enjoyed the concert, but now I can't blog more, I'm tired and need to pack my bags. 


The national Dish:

Cardiff Castle
The national museum Cardiff
A dinosaur                   
Concert in St David's Hall
Duffy Performing "Mercy"
Welsh Anthem with lyrics,  Hen wlad fy nhadau ( land of my fathers)
Welsh Language